Dear <<First Name>>,

Welcome to the first 4PLAS newsletter of 2023, like many I'm sure you agree that 2022 was a difficult year, so lets hope that the New Year will be better for all of us.  

As an industry we faced many difficulties in 2022. Material pricing and availability issues continue to impact our industry along side energy, cost of living, geopolitical issues and recessionary talk, but rest assured 4PLAS will be at your side ready to help us all make the best of any opportunity and as such have had great success in the past year with helping reshoring projects and cost down opportunities. . 
As always at 4PLAS we will support you, our customers, with industry leading levels of service and support, along side some of the lowest engineering material prices in the UK and our effective stock management and continued commitment to manufacture many of our products in the UK, enables us to deliver what you want when you want. We will continue to offer innovation to help deliver you cost effective solutions.
As the year progresses we will continue to send you updates via our newsletter of some of the new exiting materials we continue to develop.  We hope to see further expansion of our high performance 4TECH® range very soon and we will continue to increase our standard materials.
Should you wish to discuss our products or have new enquiries please contact us at or call us on 0870 446 0424 and we would be happy to assist.

Once again Happy New Year and all the best for 2022.
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